Bringing the bike he won his first Ironman with in 1980, Dave Scott was inducted into the USAT Hall of Fame on Saturday. Inducted with him were Susan Bradley-Cox (arguably the world's most decorated age group triathlete) and Boston Marathon race director Dave McGilivray.
Choosing the right kind of shoes is one of the most critical decisions to improve running performance. The right kind of shoe provides balance and stability, and is responsive to your specific running style.
A triathlon is a multi-sport endurance event involving swimming, bicycling and running. The multiple phases of this event must be completed within immediate succession of each other, and the event is timed, along with the transitions between each event.
Serious triathlon training involves energy expenditures upwards of 5,000 to 6,000 calories a day. Maintaining the level of food consumption for this kind of output means that triathletes in training are basically eating lots, and eating often. Renowned celebrity chef and Ironman triathlete Rocco DiSpirito recommends eating lots of bananas, peanut butter & jelly, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and organic chicken stock to get the food intake levels up to that point.
When training for the running segment of the triathlon, it's very important to warm up properly. Warming up before the actual run with stretching prepares the muscles for the actual exertion of effort, and minimizes the risk of injury that may occur. Here are some light stretches for the shoulders and hamstrings along with light movements
Swimming is traditionally the most difficult of the three triathlon disciplines to master. Most people opt to swim with the freestyle stroke (or overhand crawl) for this part of the event. However, proper performance of the freestyle stroke is very contingent on correct form and technique. Knowing what the ideal form is along with regular swimming drills with an awareness of the ideal form and technique can be the best way to improve overall performance in this field.
Here's footage from the 2010 Hawaii Ironman triathlon world championships. The annual event in Kailua-Kona is the culmination of a series of Ironman triathlon qualification races held worldwide, and is generally regarded as an honored and prestigious event among triathlon athletes.